Friday, September 2, 2011

Crooked parts with box braids and beads hair style

I'm not exactly sure how I felt about this style. I didn't know where I was going with it and it just has a little bit of everything. I started off by making crooked parts on the side of her hair like this:
I didn't want to continue because I felt like it looked boyish?
Then I said nevermind and thought I like it..ill leave these braids in and leave the rest out like above. But then I kept going. I braided the top part and sectioned randomly. Here is the top part.
The back I had NO idea what to do and finally decided on box braids (our first time) . Here was the final look with beads.

In all, the style lastes pretty long and could have lasted longer if I didn't take it out. I think it lasted long and kept up because the braids were so small. I loved the beads, too!


style='clear: both;' Dominique-Alexis said...

cute. love this!

style='clear: both;' UntrainedHairMom said...

I also think it is cute :)

style='clear: both;' allthingscuteandgirly said...

Thanks Dom and UHM
Nikki - I loved the beads, too. There's an even better pic I just posted on our FB that shows how nice the colors are (: