Friday, July 29, 2011

LeeLee's first trim? + 30 day challenge, day 5 - things you want to say to an ex

Yes, first trim? With a question mark. As you can see pictured above, it wasnt a lot. I've been wanting to cut Leelee's ends for awhile now because they are always dry. Also, when she developed a ton of single strand knots I wanted to even more. What took the cake though was when I noticed a few split ends. I panicked. My hair is filllllled with split ends and I didn't want the same to happen to her. I tried to do a search and destroy but she wouldn't sit still and everytime I tried to search I couldn't find any. I decided to trim her hair while it was banded. At first I was scared but I decided to do it anyway. I don't regret it because her ends feel way better and well, hair is will grow back!

30 day challenge, day 5 - things you would say to an ex:
This is a sore subject. I don't even know where to begin. My ex is my children's dad and basically the first real relationship I've ever had. He was my highschool love. We're still ehhh with eachother but Ill save the drama and just say - THANKS! Thank you for everything you have put me through. Now I know a lot of right from wrong. I know what I want and don't want in a relaionship and I know what I deserve! You live and you learn..


style='clear: both;' Kandy said...

I did the dame thing as you, I just trimmed the split ends. Nothing more, nothing less :)

style='clear: both;' allthingscuteandgirly said...

I know kandy I kinda got the idea from you lol I wanted to cut more but I know her dad would have been mad..ill prob do it again beginning of next year..make it a habit of keeping her ends healthy