Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Virtual Playdate

Thanks toBabyBellaHairwe have been invited to this virtual playdate.

Here are 10 facts about LeeLee (2) and Babydoll (5 months tomorrow!)

1.) Leelee can count to ten in three languages - English, Tagalog and Spanish.
2.) Babydoll babbles A LOT.
3.) Leelee loves everything and anything to do with princesses.
4.) Babydoll can say mama.
5.) Leelee drinks water 95% of the time.
6.) Babydoll loves to let us know she's bored, unhappy or mad by shrieking at the top of her lungs
7.) Leelee thinks anybody wearing a skirt, dress or crown is automatically a "princess".
8.) Babydoll sometimes has to touch her own hair when she sleeps.
9.) Leelee has to touch MY hair majority of the time to sleep or comfort her.
10.) Both my princesse's birthdays are in January (:

Im not sure how many people have been tagged and I don't want to do any repeats so I just want to tag everyone and anyone.

To join the playdate enter 10 facts about your little one(s) under the comments. If you have your own blog post your 10 facts there and thank and link the person that invited you. Then, to keep this amazing idea going, invite other people to join the playdate!


style='clear: both;' Tracey-BBH said...

That is sooo funny that she has to touch your hair to sleep! and as much as I say I miss whem my girls were baby's I do not miss the crying lol

style='clear: both;' Kandy said...

Your daughters are so precious! and smart, I wish I can count to ten in Tagalog!